7 Tips To Keep Holiday Weight Off This Year From Innovative Results

Most people will gain 5-10 lbs between the beginning of November and the New Year!

*image curtousy of EatingWell.com

Are Holidays Making You Fat?

Most people will allow parties, dinners, shopping and other distractions ‘sideline’ them for 2 months…

Start today and make a decision to stay on track with your fitness goals.

Remember why you started making these changes: improve quality of life, live for your kids, enjoy activities, breath easier, or look better for your significant other.

What still needs to change?

Picture it, write it down and make it a priority.

Dana Point personal trainers

What can you do to stay on track?

Here are 7 Tips to Keep Holiday Weight Off  This Year- Adopt three or so of the following strategies:

  1. Use the appetizer plate for dinner.  (smaller plate)
  2. Put only two items on your plate during any given trip to the table. Return as many times as you like, but only take two items each time.
  3. Use the volume approach to make yourself feel full.  Chow down on the big healthy stuff (broccoli and carrots) and then see if you have room for the rest.
  4. When you think you will be distracted by an important (or fun) conversation, set the food down and give it your full attention.  Remember, the more you’re distracted by people or events–the Superbowl—perhaps– the more you will tend to eat unknowingly.
  5. If you are really worried about overeating at a cocktail party or buffet-style meal, arrive late or leave early.  If you show up late, most of the good stuff will be gone.  Leave early and you will make it easier to avoid a second (or third) helping of dessert.
  6. Don’t wear comfortable clothing to a party! Wear your tightest dress or pants and then put a belt on top. You’ll not only look hot, you’ll know exactly when you’ve eaten too much.
  7. Stick to your healthy eating habits 80-90% of the time, then plan cheat meals (parties).

A healthy body comes from healthy eating.

Gym in Costa Mesa, CAStay Active!

Stick to your workout plan during the holidays.

Most people let shopping, parties and everything else throw them into a tail spin.

Plan your workouts into your day and make them a priority.

Location or lack of a gym is NOT an excuse.

If you’ll take this info and apply it, you will avoid gaining weight this holiday season.

If you have specific questions or concerns, talk to your coach.


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If you are looking to get started with an Innovative Results fitness coach or personal trainer at The Orange County Fitness Playground, please fill out the form below.

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