Summer is right around the corner and you know what that means? Bathing suit season. You should be proud of the work you’ve put into your ab workouts, but we get it–sometimes your abs need a little extra love.
That’s why we’ve curated these top 10 ab workouts to burn and shape your abdominals. Keep reading for how-to’s!
Russian Twists
What you’ll need: option to use weight or medicine ball
In a seated position on the floor, sit back about 45° until your torso and legs are in a V-shape. Using a weight, medicine ball, or no-weight, twist your torso to one side until your arms are parallel with the floor and then twist again to the other side for a completion of 1 repetition.
10 repetitions, repeat 3 times
Cable Crunches
What you’ll need: cable machine plus a mat for your knees!
Using a cable machine and rope attachment for this ab workout, set the weight to a comfortable resistance and come down onto your knees (we highly suggest a mat to cushion your knees!). Grabbing the rope attachment, pull the rope down until your hands are next to your face.
Slightly bend at your hips and keep them and your back stationary at this position. Take a deep breath in and then flex your waist as you exhale and contract your abs and bring your knees toward the middle of your thighs. Hold at this position momentarily, then slowly bring yourself back to starting position.
Weight should be comfortable and provide resistance. If you feel your back arch or hunch while performing this move, decrease the cable weight.
10 repetitions, repeat 3 times
The Plank
What you’ll need: nada, just bodyweight!
Coming down onto your hands (or forearms) with legs extended behind you, hold this position. Make sure to keep your back straight, shoulders rolled down away from your ears, keep your abs contracted and slowly breathe in and out.
Hold for 30 seconds, repeat 3 times
Side Plank
What you’ll need: nada, just bodyweight!
Here’s another variation of the classic plank ab workout. You’ll start this position laying on your right side with your right leg stacked on top of your left. Bring yourself up onto your forearm and so you’re resting your weight on your forearm and your right side is parallel to the floor. Make sure your elbow is directly below your shoulder and your body forms a straight line.
Hold this position and make sure to control your breathing!
Hold for 30 seconds, repeat 3 times
Plank Jacks
What you’ll need: option to place resistance band around your ankles
Time to get your heart rate up with a few sets of Plank Jacks! Start in the classic plank position, with legs extended behind you, back straight, and core engaged. Maintaining this straight line, you’ll hop both feet out to the side almost like you’re doing a jumping jack. Landing on your toes, knees bending just slightly, and then hopping back to the starting position.
10 repetitions, repeat 3 times
Flutter Kick
What you’ll need: nada, just bodyweight!
We promise, this isn’t as nice as it sounds. Laying on your back with your feet hip-width distance apart and lower back flat on the ground, lift your feet a few inches off the ground. Make sure your lower back doesn’t arch up! Keep your core engaged tight and make sure to breathe as you alternate fluttering your feet up and down.
Flutter for 30 seconds, repeat 3 times
Alternating Toe Reach
What you’ll need: option to hold weights as your reach for your toes
Laying on your back with your legs raised at a 45° angle, lift your torso up slightly and reach your left hand toward your right foot to touch your toes. Return to starting position and repeat for the other side. Keep your abdominals tight and maintain your breathing for this ab workout.
10 repetitions each side, repeat 3 times
Leg Raises
What you’ll need: nada, just bodyweight!
For your leg raises make sure your movements are slow and controlled!
Speed is not the name of the game for this ab workout. Laying on your back, keep your arms by your side with palms up and your back pressed firmly against the ground. Take a deep breath in and slowly raise your legs up, pointing your toes straight. Exhale as you slowly lower your legs down, keeping your back firmly pressed against the ground. Make sure your lower back isn’t popping up. If you find that it is, only lower your legs to the point at which you can maintain your back pressed into the ground.
10 repetitions, repeat 3 times
Want more than just an ab workout? Come check us out at Innovative Results!